hi welcome to my blog, this is a new adventure for me that i am looking forward to. As many of you already know my framing operation has closed. Sorry, but the Saltworks building was sold rather suddenly forcing all of us to find new homes/studios.
i am happy to say we are all on our feet and moving forward. i have taken a new studio at the Atlanta Contemporary Art Center in the old Nexus Press building. i am very excited about this space as it is the first time in several years that my studio is 100% dedicated to the fabrication of my work. i'd like to thank the Contemporary for allowing me to use such a great space.
new equipment has been arriving and i am hoping to be operational by August 14th. just in time to finish up the last few pieces for the show that opens at Indiana State Universities gallery on Oct 9th.
This show is going to be very exciting as it is an continuation of the Solomon Projects show last year. It will include modern houses from the area as well as the California houses that i am so fond of.
stay tuned for exhibition photos and information about the other shows i am currently working on for next year. i also have news of new print projects. One of which will be released in the next few days.